October 29, 2018:
Petersen Dean's attorneys did not show up in court today. They called for the hearing, terrorized me for weeks and then served me a stack of frightening papers asking Judge Murphy to sanction us and then they didn't bother to show up in court.
What does it mean when the person who is suing you does not bother to show up in court?
Judge Daniel Murphy did not sanction us today. Case BC661819 Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Los Angeles, California
Next hearing 10-29-18 at 8:30 am: Sanctions, Intimidation,
PETERSEN DEAN’S ongoing attempts to scare me out of having a trial by jury that
FORECLOSURE ATTEMPT by threatening to take our grocery money. At no time has PETERSEN DEAN made a settlement offer. At all times, all communications from PETERSEN DEAN have been designed to frighten me out of a trial by jury with threats of increasing the financial harm to me and my autistic son, even if it results in the death of my autistic son. PETERSEN DEAN has had a vicious, no mercy stance since November 2, 2016 when they physically injured my autistic son by dousing him with stucco powder which resulted in his having to go to the emergency room due to fainting and inability to breathe. Instead of apologizing and cleaning the house with a reputable powder remediation contractor, PETERSEN DEAN complained to their insurance company CAP SPECIALITY that they were not responsible for James' illness. Privately to me, via phone, they promised to make our lives unimaginably bad if I did not sign a document that would make them not liable for the accident, the financial fraud discovered by H&R BLOCK (see HR BLOCK email below) and relinquish all my rights to report the job issues to the State Contractor's Licensing Board or anyone. Due to the vicious nature of PETERSEN DEAN'S behavior in fall 2016, I insisted on communicating in writing to protect myself. PETERSEN DEAN did not make repairs, did not remove the solar panels as promised. Every communication from PETERSEN DEAN was an attempt to escape liability and to cover up the financial fraud by forcing me to sign documents. When the threat to take our home was not enough, Petersen Dean threatened to take our lives away from us, to force us to live in UNIMAGINABLE circumstances, poverty that would deny my autistic son shelter, food and the relief of one stress free day. In fact, PETERSEN DEAN was not joking when they made that threat in 2016. This experience has been UNIMAGINABLE as they promised. The closest way to describe it to you is to ask you to imagine a home invasion that lasted two years with increasingly horrible threats of financial annihilation. Not only would they take our home, they would ask the court to make us still in debt to them because they knew they disrupted mold remediation and were forcing us to live with stachybotrys mold until this case settles and if the mold kept growing and lowered the value of the home, they wanted us to pay for that too.
An anonymous person claiming to be a PETERSEN DEAN employee mailed me a letter with documents regarding another PETERSEN DEAN case with the STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSING BOARD and claimed they had to remain anonymous for fear of what PETERSEN DEAN would do.
I can vouch that in our case, PETERSEN DEAN treats senior citizens and severely disabled people with viciousness and hatred that is terrifying to experience. It is like road rage. They attack in groups and the men fire each other up with plans of attacking us that they "accidentally" share with you, so you can read what they are going to do to you. A jury needs to hear me read these emails from PETERSEN DEAN out loud. PETERSEN DEAN men strike in pairs and gleefully discuss your annihilation as if they are playing a game, as if taking your life away from you is as meaningless to them as killing imaginary people a video game. PETERSEN DEAN never tried to settle the dispute because there was no dispute. They are trying to cover up a property tax financing scam. That is not a dispute. That is a crime. They never intended to settle this case. They always intended to destroy us.
I am in pro per on case BREACH OF CONTRACT CASE FILED BY
PETERSEN DEAN: BC661819 in Stanley Mosk Courthouse in downtown Los Angeles. My
autistic son James and I are badly hurt. We need to counter-sue PETERSEN DEAN
and bring their partner in crime (HERO FINANCING/RENOVATE AMERICA/CEO Roy
Guthrie) into the case via cross complaint.
PETERSEN DEAN is maintaining HERO
has nothing to do with this. Concealing the HERO FINANCING was necessary in order for PETERSEN DEAN to file invalid MECHANICS LIENS.
Concealing the "free roof if you go solar" offer was also necessary for this second scam (when the first scam was foiled by H&R BLOCK ) in order to qualify for filing BC661819 in UNLIMITED court. This case is a mountain of lies that is over due for a landslide. Every phase of the multiple scams is heavily documented by emails.
I am in pro per on case BREACH OF CONTRACT CASE, based upon two INVALID MECHANICS LIENS FILED BY PETERSEN DEAN: BC661819 in Stanley Mosk Courthouse in
downtown Los Angeles. My autistic son James and I are badly hurt. We need an
attorney to represent us and to counter-sue PETERSEN DEAN and bring their
case via cross complaint.
PETERSEN DEAN is maintaining HERO has nothing to do with this and
at the same time sending us emails inviting us to refinance out of HERO
FINANCING with a company that may be willing to approve $34,000 loans to people
who cannot afford or legally qualify for such large loans elsewhere:
2929 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
It unknown to me if SPRING EQ CEO JERRY
SCHIANO conspired with PETERSEN DEAN and ROY GUTHRIE to deceive and harm
homeowners by refinancing them into NEW unaffordable loans to "launder dirty financing" and thereby cover up HERO
FINANCING’S even dirtier blatant property tax credit financing scam.
What did JERRY SCHIANO know and when did he know it?
And why was the @springeq twitter.com account suspended just like @heroprogram 's twitter account was suspended?
What did JERRY SCHIANO know and when did he know it?
And why was the @springeq twitter.com account suspended just like @heroprogram 's twitter account was suspended?
Concealing the HERO FINANCING was necessary in order for PETERSEN
DEAN to file invalid MECHANICS LIENS.
Concealing the "free roof if you go solar" offer was also necessary for this second scam (when the first scam was foiled by H&R BLOCK ) in order to qualify for filing BC661819 in UNLIMITED court. This case is a mountain of lies that is over due for a landslide. Every phase of the multiple scams is heavily documented by emails.
DEAN is concealing the HERO FINANCING from the court and maintaining that I owe
them without HERO FINANCING. I have documentation that I had a HERO contract.
Furthermore, in March 2018, PETERSEN DEAN sent me an email (copy below) attempting to get me
to refinance out of HERO FINANCING. What would be the reasoning to explain PETERSEN DEAN offering me financing out of a program that, at the same period of time, PETERSEN DEAN was maintaining to Judge Murphy that I was not in?
I have hundreds of emails, many of which
incriminate PETERSEN DEAN and HERO. I need a FRAUDULENT INDUCEMENT attorney to
meet the requirements for filing and are furthermore proved invalid by the fact
that in August 2018 the CSLB fined and issued a citation against PETERSEN DEAN
for not completing the job properly and this citation will remain on PETERSEN
DEAN’S license for five years.
Dear Attorneys reading this, if you cannot take cases in Los Angeles due to distance,
please recommend us to an attorney who has your expertise in FRAUDULENT
INDUCEMENT cases in Southern California. Thank you!
NOTE: HERO FINANCING is located in San Diego and PETERSEN
DEAN is located in Fremont, California. I am willing to work with a law firm,
international or local, from any location.
Thank you for considering our dire situation.
Jennifer Marshall and son James