Friday, October 13, 2017


Petersen Dean and partner The HERO program both know they are killing my autistic son. Petersen Dean put in writing to their insurance company, Cap Speciality, that James was sick before they doused him with baby fine stucco powder, causing a massive lung infection. Petersen Dean and HERO tried to hold two opposite positions, claiming they never knew James was sick while insisting he was already sick while they continue to stress him and make him weaker with each passing month. Petersen Dean filed Mechanics Liens on a job that wasn't finished. This translates into stressing James to death for nothing, for liens that will ultimately be declared invalid.

Petersen Dean, in a written letter to CapSpecialty Insurance, stated that my autistic son James was sick before they made him sicker by filling his lungs, his bedroom, the air vents of the house with baby fine stucco powder.

Both Petersen Dean and HERO reneged on the promise to remove the over-priced solar panels, which would have taken an enormous stress off our family by ending the threat of losing our home to a tax credit scam. 

I want that solution honored and we need to be compensated for the deliberate disruption of the mold remediation. Petersen Dean needs to reimburse us for wasting all our Emergency Housing time and they need to pay for the mold remediation if it is no longer covered due to statutes passing because of HERO’s and Petersen Dean’s willful disruption of the remediation and willful endangering of our lives and willful stressing my autistic son beyond his ability to survive. 

I have held my completely unresponsive son in my arms, waiting for the ambulance, fearing he was not going to start breathing again.... too many times since Petersen Dean derailed our lives November 2,  2016. James recently stopped breathing on three occasions. James was in the emergency room 5 times in September 2017. He is seeing a cardiologist today. James cannot survive the disruption HERO and Petersen Dean have and continue to cause to his life. 

The tax credit scam was revealed by H&R Block in 2016. HERO and Petersen Dean agreed to settle by removing the panels. That was and is the only honest solution available. 

What Petersen Dean and HERO subsequently decided to do was dishonest and amounts to destroying us in an attempt to destroy evidence of the tax credit scam. 

Petersen Dean and HERO were both aware of James’s illness in 2016. They also knew we were in Emergency Housing. They saw the mold remediation in person, in progress and saw James barely able to walk. They routinely called us at the hotel many times and arranged times for us to drive to the house to open the house and side yard safety gate so they could access their materials stored in our backyard. Petersen Dean employees saw when James was too sick to get out of the car. Petersen Dean employees were face to face with me when I told them I had to leave early before they were done working because James needed to go to the ER. I told them to just close the side yard and backyard gate and I would come back after the ER to lock up. 

HERO and Petersen Dean have all but killed James Marshall with stress that they never should have imposed upon him in their effort to bury their tax credit scam and both HERO and Petersen Dean should pause and reconsider the horror their deliberate choice has caused James before it is too late to turn back. 

Pulling this scam on a household with an autistic family member is heinous enough, but trying to get away with this tax credit fraud on a family with an autistic man with serious health problems is unconscionable. 

Many of James’s doctors warned us that the stress of merely changing hotel rooms could be detrimental to James. Petersen Dean deliberately wasted ALL our Emergency Housing with this uncalled for misuse of the Mechanics Lien process on an incomplete job and in September 2017 pushed us into that unimaginable hell they bullied us about and “promised” us in 2016 if we refused to just submit to the tax credit scam and just let HERO take our home in a year when the balloon hit. 

Petersen Dean’s effort to make HERO “disappear” and revoke the only financing we were qualified for so Jim Petersen could isolate, corner us, treat us like animals being killed for sport and terrorize us for an entire year is the unimaginable cruelty that I was PROMISED would happen by Petersen Dean’s employee Kyle Smith. Mr Smith warned me that if I did not sign a document saying that work that was not really done WAS done (and STILL has not been done) and sign away all our rights, that attorney George Milionis would bring unimaginable stress upon us and Kyle Smith said to me that he knew James was ill and that James had a very difficult year (2016) so it would be a shame to subject James to what unimaginable stress Petersen Dean’s legal department was going to bring us. He kept saying “unimaginable”.  

The staff of the Marriott hotel can help you imagine what has happened to James. They ran to our hotel room to get my car keys while I held my unconscious son on the concrete in front of the hotel waiting for ambulance so I could follow the ambulance to the emergency room. They made broth for James when he couldn’t eat. They saw my son suffer and deteriorate month after month from the cruel stress HERO and Petersen Dean heaped on us for a whole year to attempt to bury all evidence of their tax credit scam. 

HERO and their contractor / partner Petersen Dean seem willing to bury my son James even though it will not really bury all the evidence that they attempted to pull a tax credit scam upon us. Petersen Dean has already told Cap Specialty that James was sick BEFORE they doused him with stucco powder. 

James could be having a happy life now if he hadn’t been forced to endure this intense, DAILY, nonstop cruelty. James could have recovered. He never would have become this sick if Petersen Dean and HERO never entered our lives. He could have had a long, happy life. At this point HERO and Petersen Dean need to re-evaluate what they have done and are doing. Causing James Marshall to die is not going to erase evidence of fraud.

Jennifer Marshall 

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