Dear California Department of Justice, FBI and CSLB,
My autistic son and I are both experiencing sudden and extreme bouts of high blood pressure after a solid year of being stressed mercilessly by PETERSEN DEAN and RENOVATE AMERICA / HERO PROGRAM. An urgent care doctor told me that my high blood pressure was a reaction to stress. My autistic son began passing out and is having extensive testing which also appears to be heading towards the same diagnosis, extreme stress caused by PETERSEN DEAN disrupting our lives without mercy has taken a toll on our health. We might not survive this. Please keep investigating if we pass away from stroke or heart attack. I was in perfect health a year ago. My son was ill and this has made him much worse. PETERSEN DEAN and RENOVATE AMERICA/ HERO will say they had nothing to do with our deaths. That is not true. Please keep investigating. The horror of what they are doing to us begs the question, "How many other senior citizens, low income disabled people have these con artists crippled, destroyed and deprived of their homes?" PETERSEN DEAN and RENOVATE AMERICA are not going to stop doing this unless you make them stop.
Jennifer Marshall & son James
CSLB SF 2016 9935
Petersen Dean Case
Department of
Dear California Department of Justice, and CSLB, Doris
I made the video of the
water noise coming from my roof today, November 13, 2017, because I received a
call from my neighbor Gladys to come out to the property because a dripping
noise was bothering her, that she heard it all night for days and it hasn’t been
It appears to be coming
from the solar panels which have NEVER been in operation and were supposed to
be removed by Petersen Dean in January 2017 as per agreement with Petersen Dean
and HERO financing.
Previously, months ago, I sent you photos of brown liquid coming from my roof when it was not
raining. I do not know if water damage is happening to the roof / house perhaps
because of liquid coming from the solar panels and condensation. No one has
been on the roof except the CSLB appointed inspector. I am keenly aware that
PETERSEN DEAN will try to blame anyone who goes up on the roof for any damage
that is found there as they have already attempted to claim they are not
responsible for damages done by the people they hire to do the work that they (PETERSEN DEAN) were hired to
do. While a court of law is not likely to believe an inspector lifted up new
shingles to put rotten wood under the new shingles, a jury might believe it if
Petersen Dean accused an inspector of BREAKING panels, wood, wires. Therefore I
did not allow anyone to inspect the roof except the CSLB.
The damage I witnessed
Petersen Dean do to my interior garage electrical wiring with a SLEDGEHAMMER on
November 2, 2016 to my understanding was not mentioned in the First CSLB
inspection and you (Ms Doris Velasquez of CSLB) informed me a SECOND inspection was necessary for the
electrical part of the matter, including the solar panels. The damage to air
vents from stucco powder prevents use of the heater until the matter is
resolved, making ongoing bouts of lung infection and pneumonia a continued
That second stage of the
CSLB inspection did not happen, presumably because Petersen Dean had promised
to remove the panels and thus confused the matter. ( i. e. why inspect solar panels that are slated to be removed?)
Item: The solar panels
have NEVER functioned and were NEVER turned on.
Item: The 2017 offer
from DWP to install free solar panels and pay me $300 a year to use them has
been stopped by Petersen Dean’s tax credit scam. When H&R Block revealed it
was a tax credit scam, both Petersen Dean and HERO agreed to remove the solar
panels because as it was revealed by H&R Block, I could not afford them, that $10,000+
was in fact NOT going to fall off the $34,118.06.
I was told repeatedly by PETERSEN DEAN that it by getting the package, it was like I was getting the roof free. That lie was repeated to me by different employees of PETERSEN DEAN. On one occasion I was told in a convoluted way that the deal expired but that I was being given another deal that was the same as the expired deal, that I was getting a good deal, that I was getting the same deal everyone was getting and I was getting the deal I thought I was getting. When my neighbor asked what the deal was, I was told by Petersen Dean that the deal was different for everyone and they would like to talk to her privately.
I repeatedly asked that this "deal" be explained to me IN WRITING but PETERSEN DEAN men kept trying to arrange to meet me alone in the house to make me understand. The police advised me not to do this. Petersen Dean resisted every request to put this complicated, strange "deal" in writing. Finally I was given this chart that was supposed to answer my questions:

I was lied to by both
Petersen Dean and HERO while I was guided through the jumpy, difficult to read
electronic signatures. I was told to sign my signature and my initials ONE TIME and then my signature was deposited for me on a fast moving screen that was very difficult to read. In spite of my advance age, I did catch that there were two contracts. I asked repeatedly why the amount that was supposed to "drop off" was still showing, why there were TWO contracts. I was told by PETERSEN DEAN that people my age have trouble understanding these electronic contracts. I was deeply concerned that something was wrong but both
PETERSEN DEAN and HERO assured me the price was not what I feared, that in fact
$10,000+ would “fall off” in the form of tax credits. H&R Block examined
the document that PETERSEN DEAN gave me to “prove” I would not “really” be paying
the $34,118.06 that it seemed to me I was being billed.
I have not received any
documentation from CSLB regarding some of the electrical and other damage to my
home caused by Petersen Dean and witnessed by me as it happened. I also
have not received acknowledgment that the solar panels have NEVER BEEN used,
turned on. The solar panels were supposed to be removed. I have not received
acknowledgment of the tax credit scam / financial fraud portion of this matter
acknowledging that PETERSEN DEAN in partnership with HERO FINANCING deceived me
regarding the true and correct cost of this project.
Question: Do I need to
file an additional new complaint with the CSLB to focus on the monumental
financial fraud elements of this matter? We have been gravely damaged
financially and it is ongoing.
Our health has been damaged physically and my son and I have both suffered multiple lung infections as well as extreme high blood
pressure and fainting. What Petersen Dean is doing may result in death
of me and or my son by stroke, heart attack, kidney problems brought on by extreme, unrelenting stress for an entire year. The financial
damage and SOLID YEAR of unjustified stress of having our home in limbo has
caused serious damage to the health of my autistic son James and myself. I went
from perfect health, documented by Blue Shield / Covered California to suddenly
having high blood pressure every single day. My son James is stressed beyond
his ability to cope and also has developed high blood pressure and he is only 34. It is like we
have been homeless for an entire year, fighting in vain to save our home and
our lives. In psychological terms it has been like being a prisoner of war. We have not been permitted to return to our real life, to experience a night without dread and fear, to experience one single day without struggling to regain our equilibrium.
I hope the Department of
Justice will consider charging Petersen Dean and partner HERO financing with
some form of attempted manslaughter in the sloppy attempt to knowingly commit
financial fraud on victims they knew it would be easy to stress to death.
Please do not let our deaths go un-investigated. I believe it was Petersen
Dean’s intention to “win” our house by default. I believe HERO got cold feet
and really wanted their contractor not to gamble on winning by default. Petersen
Dean saw with their own eyes how sick James was and they mentioned his illness
to me as a bargaining point as they tried to force me to sign a HERO document.
Petersen Dean used my son’s health and the treat of MECHANICS LIENS to try to
ram the tax credit scam down my throat. Petersen Dean told me what would happen
to me and my son if I didn’t sign was “unimaginable”.
If I die of a stroke in
November 2017, please accept this email as my testimony that my death was not
natural. My medical records show the onset of my high blood pressure coincides with having work done on our house and grew worse with the
stress of watching my son fainting, losing consciousness, losing control of his
bodily functions, crying because we have no emergency housing left, not being able to handle not being able to return to our normal life for over a health
deteriorated watching my son deteriorate from a year of unjustified stress. My entire body winced when my son stopped breathing. My body did not un-wince. My throat and my chest almost always feel tight. Watching my son suffer has torn me apart.
January 2017 HERO wanted PETERSEN DEAN to remove the panels and finance the new
shingles only but PETERSEN DEAN made it clear to me they would rather take our
house than take that loss. Petersen Dean used my son’s health problems as a
bargaining chip. Giving in to the bullying would not have made my son safe. The opposite is true. It would have sealed our fate.
It was a no win bargain
for me...let my son die of stress by signing the document Petersen Dean was
trying to force me to sign, knowingly accept a deal that H&R Block revealed
would bankrupt us.....or don’t sign and search for an attorney who takes
contingency cases while my son is in and out of the Emergency Rooms and Urgent Care Clinics. We ended up in the ER while asking an Alieso Viego attorney to
consider our case. I had to leave the attorneys office and rush James to the ER
so fast that I left behind personal belongings I had to go back and retrieve
only to find the firm doesn’t take contingency cases. Most days my son was
sobbing so uncontrollably that it was impossible to talk to attorneys in person
or by phone. James’s doctors were alarmed that James was losing his emergency
housing. Petersen Dean wasted our emergency housing with this unwarranted
nightmare. What we have and are enduring is beyond words.
If I live I will request
Petersen Dean be charged with attempted murder/manslaughter in the commission
of financial crimes/fraud. HERO is guilty as well. HERO knew everything because I reported everything to them.
HERO advertising claims
they protect senior citizens from this very thing, when in fact they step aside
and allow their contractors to destroy people who resist the tax credit
We are different than
most HERO/ PETERSEN DEAN victims because we found out BEFORE signing the final
documents. Most victims get hit with the truth a year after signing the final
documents and then suddenly can’t afford their house payment because they
didn’t really get the tax credits they were told would make it
H&R Block examined
the document Petersen Dean gave me and warned me that none of the savings /
credits applied to me, that I was not in that tax bracket and HERO and PETERSEN
DEAN knew this by virtue of our well documented application process and discussions regarding how I could
never qualify for regular financing for solar panels, and that I could not
afford air conditioning, that I could not afford to use all the equity in my
home given to me by KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA in the spring of 2016. The
tax credit scam HERO and Petersen Dean attempted to pull was deliberate. BOTH Petersen Dean and HERO knew the equity in my house was from a very recent grant from KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA.
If I die from a stress
induced stroke before I can testify in a court of law, please accept this email
as my sworn testimony that both Petersen Dean and HERO had full knowledge
that I could not afford the $34,118.06 they dishonestly assured me on many
occasions was not the true amount I would pay.
Furthermore, HERO in
fact tried to encourage me to use ALL the KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA $76,000.00
equity, knowing full well this would cause me to not be able to afford my house
payment in a year. HERO was upset that I refused to let their HERO SEARS
contractor install air conditioning. HERO kept complaining and reminding me that I said I needed
air conditioning and HERO complained that I had the equity to get it. It was as if HERO was trying to make me feel guilty and obligated to get air conditioning simply because I had asked how much it would cost. It was also as if HERO was trying to make me feel stupid for not getting air conditioning just because there was enough equity in the house to pay for it. At all times HERO understood that if I did what they were trying to push me to do that I would not be able to afford my house payment in a year. HERO knew. HERO knows. It is true that for years we received phone calls from Social Services reminding us to leave our home during heat waves because we do not have air conditioning. We learned to live with it. There is no excuse for buying air conditioning if you can't afford it. I refused to buy it because I could not afford it.
In that
instance SEARS was not telling me baloney like PETERSEN DEAN was. SEARS did not aggressively lie like PETERSEN DEAN did. SEARS did not tell me ten thousand dollars and more would “fall off” due to tax
It was clear to me I
could not afford air conditioning so I refused to sign the contract HERO’s
SEARS contractor tried to get me to sign on a tablet they brought to my
SEARS and HERO both
wanted me to spend ALL of my KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA equity and I flat
refused to do so.
I will testify under
oath in a court of law under the laws of the State of California that my
statements in this email are true and correct.
My son and I are victims
of financial fraud. Our lives have been destroyed by the criminal actions of
Petersen Dean and their partner HERO financing. Cap Specialty insures Petersen Dean's bond. I do not know who insures HERO. I do know that we are not their only victims. Many places we went to for help informed us that they are overwhelmed with cases like ours.
It is very possible that
my son or I might die of stress caused high blood pressure and exposure to the
cold this winter. We have been struggling to stay alive all of 2017 but it is
time to put on record that we are only human, that we have been hurt very bad
by what Petersen Dean deliberately chose to do to us when legally they never
should have used a Mechanics Lien to try to force a signature on job that was
never completed and criminally financed via fraudulent figures, padded DWP
amounts and fraudulent use of tax bracket figures both HERO and Petersen Dean
had full knowledge did not apply to us by virtue of their own application
We are only human. My
blood pressure became permanently high since the day in September 2017 when my son
was taken from the pavement in front the Marriott to the ER by ambulance. He
stopped breathing for seconds that felt like forever. He felt like lifeless jello in my
arms. The hotel staff ran to my room to get my purse with his medical IDs while I
held my son waiting for the ambulance. My ears rang as I followed the ambulance
in my car as the ambulance men suggested I do. James was in the ER 5 times
within a month, not counting Urgent Care visits. My ears have been ringing
every day since we maxed out our emergency housing and I could no longer afford
our hotel room. On November 3, I fainted. (I had told my home insurance adjuster David Klein of ASSURANT on another occasion when I fainted in the parking lot of the MARRIOTT and again suffered temporary hearing loss. I also informed him on the occasion in our MARRIOTT hotel room when, like James, I had a lung infection and suddenly was unable to breath for a few seconds. Air would not come in or out. I was treated with a 2nd round of antibiotics. My blood pressure has become a
problem I never had until fall 2016. It’s gotten worse each passing week.
Watching my son fall apart because of what Petersen Dean is doing to us is
ripping me apart.
Please hold
HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA/ Petersen Dean accountable for our deaths if my son and I
succumb to this horrible situation Petersen Dean and HERO have trapped us in.
We are fighting to stay alive with all our might, dreaming of having a safe
home to live in again. But we are only human and so far the only reason doctors
have found for the downward spiral in our health is the horrific stress.
terrifying occasions the ringing in my ears changed to not being able to hear
at all, almost like being under water, having to sit down to keep from falling,
losing consciousness. Unlike James, I sat down, then laid down before losing
consciousness. James was standing and just fell backwards with no warning. A
lady behind him caught him just before his head would have hit the concrete in
front of the Marriott. I was in front of James and dove to help her break his
fall and ripped the skin off my knees helping this kind stranger protect my
son’s head from injury. Her daughter called the ambulance that Sunday morning.
I guess because of James’s autism he doesn’t understand he should sit down when he
feels faint. Days later he fainted again in the hotel bathroom and again I
caught him before he fell on the sink / floor. He held on to me saying “goes to
sleep” before he lost consciousness and lost control of his bowels and
bladder. He was aware that something bad was happening and called it “goes to sleep”.
Seeing him turn to jelly again like that was horrifying.
We might not survive
this. We are trying
Jennifer Marshall
and son James