Sunday, January 20, 2019


It appears CEO ROY GUTHRIE has ordered his contractor PETERSEN DEAN INC to dismiss BC661819 to protect him and avoid certain prosecution for fraudulent inducement, obstruction, financial fraud, employment of unlicensed brokers and a host of other crimes. 

A Los Angeles County attorney and other Los Angeles employees have been helping HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA avoid criminal prosecution for a pattern of repeated financial crimes by telling crime victims, sometimes in writing, sometimes verbally, not to pursue HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA. In my case some LA COUNTRY EMPLOYEES supported PETERSEN DEAN'S perjury that HERO never financed this project. Indeed, both HERO and PETERSEN DEAN conspired to conceal the financing from JUDGE DANIEL MURPHY in case BC661819 and moved to dismiss their own case because it will be impossible to continue to conceal the truth.

If you didn't buy a couch from SEARS, 
for example, 
why would you have a document approving the financing and years of emails from SEARS arguing about the financial terms and quality of this couch you didn't buy from them? Why would LA COUNTY employees refuse to read any of the documentation and be so eager to agree that you didn't buy this couch from SEARS?


Also, if all evidence indicates it was not possible for any type of financing during the time period in question except PACE financing, due to a low credit score and if all the credit bureaus confirm the contractor who claims you had mystery financing with him NEVER, repeat, NEVER ran an application for credit, why would LA COUNTY align itself with such obvious financial fraud?

It is yet to be determined if this is a matter of gross incompetence among Los Angeles County employees or if it is a matter of deliberate obstruction. Both possibilities are very serious and must be addressed. I have emails that document this from Los Angeles County employees:


I have sent copies of these emails to:
SAMUEL LUQUIN, 626-293-1440
DCBA case # CA17-013771

Petersen Dean did not engage in traditional "Meet and Confers" in 2018. They spent their time trying to scare me out of a trial by jury. When the scare campaign failed, they opted for a dismissal rather than present their case to a jury.

The only hope my autistic son and I had was the trial by jury, so I didn't let threats make me give up the right to the trial.

Due to the intensity and frequency of the threats from PETERSEN DEAN'S ATTORNEYS, it was a surprise to receive this DISMISSAL document. The last thing they want is their day in court.

For some reason the new attorney for PETERSEN DEAN, Blake J Woodhall of ELITE LEGAL FIRM in SAN DIEGO did not list his email address correctly on the court document he filed. Mr. Woodhall also lied to the court about the well known fee waiver involved in this case.

Blake J Woodhall

Blake J Woodhall
Elite Legal Group
550 West C Street
San Diego, CA 92101

The State Bar has been alerted to the fact that Attorney Blake J Woodhall has tried to circumvent the matter of the fee waiver by telling the court it does not exist, just like HERO FINANCING was reported as not financing this project by PETERSEN DEAN'S attorneys. 

Is the dismissal of this case a direct result of the INTERROGATORIES and my insistence that ROY GUTHRIE, CEO of HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA and his employees be put on the stand to testify in the April 2019 trial by jury?

PETERSEN DEAN INC'S headquarters is in Fremont, California.

Did ROY GUTHRIE, who's RENOVATE AMERICA office is also located in SAN DIEGO near Blake J Woodhall's ELITE LEGAL GROUP, order his partner in crime, PETERSEN DEAN, to dismiss this case so he does not have to testify in a court of law in April 2019?

I also have evidence, in writing, that LA County employees and an LA County attorney also aggressively attempted to help HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA deny that they financed this property tax financing home repair scam. I am asking the Department of Justice to investigate this to determine. There is a paper trail, email trail that proves PETERSEN DEAN INC illegally,without a license, brokered financing for HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA.

Did Roy Guthrie, CEO of HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA, call off the trial by jury and order PETERSEN DEAN, their contractor, to drop the case? It appears that way.

Update sent to the STATE BAR: 

The INTERROGATORIES that may have caused ROY GUTHRIE to tell their contractor to dismiss case BC661819.

Jennifer Marshall

Defendant in Pro Per


Case No.: BC661819







SET NUMBER:                      ONE (1)

Defendant Jennifer Marshall (“Defendant”) hereby responds to Plaintiff’s Form Interrogatories, Set One as follows:
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /

1.                The information provided in Defendant’s responses to Plaintiff’s Form Interrogatories, Set One (“Interrogatories”) does not constitute any admission by Defendant that such information is relevant to the pending litigation.  Defendant reserves all objections to the relevancy or admissibility at trial, or in connection with any motion, hearing or other proceeding, of any information provided herein. 
2.                Defendant’s discovery, internal investigation and preparation for trial in this matter are not completed as of the date of these responses.  Information produced at this time is based solely upon such information as is presently known to Defendant.  Further discovery and investigation may reveal information not presently known to Defendant, and upon which Defendant may rely at time of trial.  Therefore, the following responses are given without prejudice to Defendant’s right to produce subsequently discovered evidence and introduce same at the time of trial.
3.                Defendant reserves the right, without assuming any obligation not required by law, to amend or supplement her responses to Plaintiff’s Interrogatories to reflect information acquired through further discovery or other means.  Defendant expressly incorporates this preliminary statement into each and every of the following responses.
4.                These responses are given without prejudice to Defendant’s right to expand, modify or otherwise change these responses as may be appropriate.  As discovery is ongoing, Defendant reserves the right, but not the obligation, to supplement these responses as additional facts are discovered. 
5.                Notwithstanding the specificity of Defendant’s responses to the individual numbered Interrogatories in this set, Defendant expressly incorporates this Preliminary Statement and General Objection by reference as though fully set forth into the responses to each and every numbered Interrogatory in this set.  Thus, if any objection contained above is not restated under the specific response to an individual Interrogatory, this should not be construed as a waiver of any of the objections not restated below.
/ / /

State the name, ADDRESS, telephone number, and relationship to you of each PERSON who prepared or assisted in the preparation of the responses to these interrogatories. (Do not identify anyone who simply typed or reproduced the responses).
Jennifer Marshall
For each agreement alleged in the pleadings:
(a)   identify each DOCUMENT that is part of the agreement and for each state the name,
ADDRESS, and telephone number of each PERSON who has the DOCUMENT;
(b)   state each part of the agreement not in writing, the name, ADDRESS, and telephone
number of each PERSON agreeing to that provision, and the date that part of the agreement was made;
(c)   identify all DOCUMENTS that evidence any part of the agreement not in writing and for
each state the name, ADDRESS, and telephone number of each PERSON who has the DOCUMENT;
(d)   identify all documents that are part of any modification to the agreement, and for each state
the name, ADDRESS, and telephone number of each PERSON who has the DOCUMENT;
(e)   state each modification not in writing, the date, and the name, ADDRESS, and telephone
number of each PERSON agreeing to the modification, and the date the modification was made;
(f)    identify all DOCUMENTS that evidence any modification of the agreement not in writing
and for each state the name, ADDRESS, and telephone number of each PERSON who has the DOCUMENT.

a-1) HERO FINANCING APPLICATION DOCUMENTS dated 8/27/2016, email titled: Info Needed -HERO Application Marshall, HEROID: CA037123518. All parties have copies. PETERSEN DEAN has copies. HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA generated the document and emailed it to me on 8/27/2016. A copy is filed with the court in case BC661819. A copy of this document was sent to the Department of Justice, the CSLB, the CFPB and the DCBA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. This application was the ONLY application I filled out regarding the proposed project of the roof and solar package. I was completely candid about my financial status and it was only my intention to go solar if I could save money by going solar. My ONLY motive for going solar was to save money. I did not buy the air-conditioning HERO’S contractors gave me an estimate for because I could not afford it. The excessive size of the solar panels PETERSEN DEAN put on my roof looked like enough to power the whole neighborhood and made no sense because I did not opt to go forward with the air-conditioning.
All parties understood that I could not qualify for regular financing because my credit score was approximately 420, my income was fixed IHSS and my son was on SSI due to his disability. It was completely understood by all parties of HERO FINANCING and PETERSEN DEAN that I am a senior citizen and a single mom / care-provider. At no time during this process was I informed by HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA employees or PETERSEN DEAN employees that they knew I was not a candidate for going solar via property tax financing, that doing so would cause an extreme financial hardship that would last the rest of my life and result in the loss of our home. They knew. It would be impossible for them to operate their business without knowing this information. They know what tax brackets are and are not eligible for the solar rebates that they portray as part of their financing deal when in fact these rebates are NOT in the financing deal and should not be falsely claimed as a “free roof for going solar” deal.

The proper title for the PETERSEN DEAN deal, to avoid false advertising, would be:
“Free Roofs for Going Solar ONLY for Millionaires In The Proper Tax Bracket, who lie to the IRS like we told you to and list the roof cost as part of the solar cost. Uncle Sam won’t notice. Wink-Wink. PS: If you are a senior citizen on fixed income, you are going to lose your home a year after you sign off with us, boy are you in for a surprise, sucker!  LA County can’t keep up with us and the beauty is they are going to be the ones who take your home after we are long gone!  Ha-Ha-Ha!”.
Not only did HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA fail to inform me that getting the roof and solar package through HERO FINANCING would be a dangerous mistake, I have documentation that HERO also urged me to get a new door and an air-conditioner through their SEARS contractor and their HOME DEPOT contractor. HERO urged me to spend every penny of the equity in my home. I refused. I told them that I only accepted the agreement to spend $20,000 on the roof and solar package because I needed the rest of the equity for my autistic son’s dental surgeries that were not covered by his insurance and to keep my home loan from being upside down. In fact, HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA employees coaxed and urged me to commit financial suicide, to spend every single penny of the KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA equity that was granted to my OCWEN home loan. EVERYTHING I was told about how much the project would cost and how much I would save by going solar was untrue.
I cannot emphasize this fact enough: ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I WAS TOLD BY HERO FINANCING AND THEIR UNLICENSED BROKER PETERSEN DEAN WAS UNTRUE, ABSOLUTELY ALL OF IT.  At the time I did not know PETERSEN DEAN did not have a license to broker HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA financing. At the time I did not know and nor was I informed by HERO or RENOVATE AMERICA that I was not a candidate for property tax financing, a fact both HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA and PETERSEN DEAN knew because they were both advised of my finances and could come to no other conclusion with the information they had. They both refused to share that information with me because they wanted me to spend all the equity in my home even if it destroyed our lives. There is no way that PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE could claim ignorance of these facts of their trade. They knew.
These HERO APPLICATION documents and emails are critical documents because no work would have been started if I did not apply for property tax financing through HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA. PETERSEN DEAN does not possess any other financing applications from me because I only applied for financing through HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA. DAVE SHANHOLTZER was keenly aware that I could not qualify for regular financing because of my credit score, debt ratio and fixed income. I discussed this at great length on several occasions with MR. DAVE SHANHOLTER of PETERSEN DEAN and again with HERO FINANCING. There is no way that what happened was accidental. PETERSEN DEAN and HERO FINANCING both deliberately conspired and committed financial fraud on purpose. They did not lack the information needed. They were fully aware that I was not a candidate for property tax financing but they kept that information to themselves and fully expected me to find out the truth a year after the SIGN OFF like most victims of this property tax financing scam do.
I was told that HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA destroyed a lot of documentation in 2017. While I cannot say which HERO and PETERSEN DEAN employees kept or shredded or deleted copies of these HERO APPLICATION DOCUMENTS, here is the list of employees who had access:
DAMON SHERMAN (858)942-8857
KAREN LEON-BEHR (858)605-4115
ROY GUTHRIE (877)747-4889 16409 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127
ROSS SOLORBERO (858)605-3925
TONYA (858)942-8808
DAVE SHANHOLTZER, 714-309-0837
VICTOR (951)376-4090
GEORGE MILIONIS 510-371-6555
JASON SMITH (611)414-7023
KYLE SMITH 661-209-7818
ROSE MONTES (408)797-1092
SAMUEL LUQUIN, CA17-013771 DCBA LA COUNTY (626)293-1440
JESSIE FLORES, CSLB SF20169935 562-345-7671
TOM GOETZINGER CDI (800)927-4357
WALTER SMITH, LADWP 213-367-6191
(a-2) HERO APPLICATION APPROVAL FOR $71,819.17 ID# CA037123518 dated 9/12/16
This document is in response to the ONLY application I made for financing for the roof and solar package. This is the actual notice of approval. This is the ONLY approved financing for the roof and solar work which is the subject of case BC661819.
As previously stated, I was told that HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA destroyed a lot of documentation in 2017. I held on to documents and emails that I had for dear life because it became clear that PETERSEN DEAN, RENOVATE AMERICA/HERO FINANCING and CAP SPECIALTY intended to deny anything that was not documented in writing. That is why PETERSEN DEAN resisted correcting the contract to clarify the “free roof for going solar deal” and tried to get away with talking and a chart instead. While I cannot say which HERO and PETERSEN DEAN employees kept or shredded or deleted copies of these HERO APPLICATION DOCUMENTS, again, here is the list of employees who had access to their own copies and/or were emailed copies by me:
DAMON SHERMAN (858)942-8857
KAREN LEON-BEHR (858)605-4115
ROY GUTHRIE (877)747-4889 16409 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127
ROSS SOLORBERO (858)605-3925
TONYA (858)942-8808
DAVE SHANHOLTZER, 714-309-0837
VICTOR (951)376-4090
GEORGE MILIONIS 510-371-6555
JASON SMITH (611)414-7023
KYLE SMITH 661-209-7818
ROSE MONTES (408)797-1092
SAMUEL LUQUIN, CA17-013771 DCBA LA COUNTY (626)293-1440
JESSIE FLORES, CSLB SF20169935 562-345-7671
TOM GOETZINGER CDI (800)927-4357
WALTER SMITH, LADWP 213-367-6191
a-3) TWO COMPUTER-GENERATED CONTRACTS UNREAD BY ME WITH COMPUTER GENERATED SIGNATURES AND INITIALS THAT ARE NOT MY HANDWRITING. I did not approve these documents and I did immediately protest them and immediately and repeatedly requested a corrected hard copy that I could read before signing. I was never given a corrected hard copy to review and sign. Copies of the e-contracts or computer-generated contracts are filed with the court in case BC661819. I have no idea how many versions of these contracts exist or who they were distributed to. Eventually I was given a chart instead of a contract. This chart supposed to satisfy me but my tax preparer H&RBLOCK immediately warned me that this chart was evidence of a tax credit scam.
This is an important document because PETERSEN DEAN AND HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA expected me to accept it in lieu of a corrected hard copy of the contract that would clearly spell out the deal I accepted and match the verbal agreement I had been given by DAVE SHANHOLTZER of PETERSEN DEAN. This document was supposed to calm me down and make me rest assured I was getting the deal I was told verbally that I was getting even though the computer-generated contracts did not reflect that deal. This document: “DOCUMENT TITLED: JENNIFER MARSHALL – SOLAR SAVINGS WITH HERO FINANCING. December 17, 2016.” was supposed to convince me that I would not be facing financial ruin, that this deal was indeed good for me, that I would be better off than I was before going solar, that nothing bad was going to happen. I was verbally lied to over a period of months September 2016 to January 2017. BOTH PETERSEN DEAN and HERO refused to put the reassurances they were telling me in writing, in the form of a corrected contract, just as SAM KARIMZADEH currently refuses to put his settlement offers in writing and tirelessly pressures me to get back into that dangerous “verbal only” situation. (SEE EXHIBIT A.) The sheer number of PETERSEN DEAN and HERO employees who repeatedly urged me to believe their VERBAL promises and reassurances is proof that this is financial fraud and could not have been an “accident”. The fact that Los Angeles and other California counties are inundated and overwhelmed with similar property tax credit scams precluded this from being a simple error or accident. This is premediated, repeated financial fraud. My case differs from thousands of others in that I found out DURING the scam instead of a year after as is the usual, preferred by PLAINIFF way.
PLAINIFF has called me “belligerent” and other names for not accepting my fate as a scam victim. PLAINTIFF, in the fall of 2016 had the unmitigated gall to verbally tell me that they had me, that there was no way out, I was going to lose my house one of two ways, so I might as well sign off and lose it the slower way with a year to figure out what we were going to do and where we would go before the balloon hit. These strange men indicated that if I went the other route, stood my ground, I would be steam rolled, that there was no chance I could win and the stress would be UNIMAGINABLE on my disabled son. They kept mentioning my son as if he was a bargaining chip and I could make it easier on him if I would “SIGN OFF”. The men who called on behalf of PETERSEN DEAN insinuated that I was a bad mom if I fought this scam. The “we got ya’ so you might as well make it easy on your son’ attitude of PLAINTIFF is further proof of criminality. My son’s illness would never have been mentioned like that in a normal business negotiation. I was repeatedly verbally warned via telephone by various thug like sounding PETERSEN DEAN men I had never met that if they were the last chance for me to avoid something UNIMAGINABLE, that I better “SIGN OFF” because they would have to turn me over to GEORGE MILIONIS if I didn’t. These men kept asking over and over to meet me alone in person face to face. I did not know who these men were. The terror of being talked to this way was what led up to my position of insisting that all communication be in writing. We survived the housing crisis of 2008. I have a perfect payment history on my HAMP home loan modification of 2010 with OCWEN. There is no reason on earth my son and I should lose our home due to having a home repair and improvement with HERO FINANCING that we were PROMISED would SAVE us money.
I was pressured to meet alone with PETERSEN DEAN men I had never met before, never heard of before, pressured to meet strange men alone at the construction site because they said they felt if they could be “face to face” with me they could “make me understand” that I was getting the deal I had been promised and I would agree to sign off. They did not want to meet me in the lobby of the San Pedro Police Station. I had gone to the police because I was afraid. One of these men purred at me in a sickening sweet voice, as if he was our very best friend, and feigned being hurt that I did not trust him. I did not know him from Adam and did not want to spend any time alone with him. It was as if he was taking the position that all other women in the USA trusted him instantly, sight unseen and something was wrong with me for not wanting to meet him. I did not want to meet him. The more he pushed it, the more I did not want to meet him. I did not want a personal loan of $500 from him to purchase stucco powder remediation materials from HOME DEPOT with. I told this to the police because I knew none of this was normal and I had to always make decisions that would keep my son and I safe. The police told me not to meet any of these men alone at the work site.
The document titled: “DOCUMENT TITLED: JENNIFER MARSHALL – SOLAR SAVINGS WITH HERO FINANCING. December 17, 2016.”  was supposed to convince to me it was safe sign off on the deal proved the opposite. I showed the document, the “CHART” to H&R BLOCK and was immediately warned that it was a tax credit scam, that it was obvious I was not going to qualify for any of those savings that supposedly were specifically charted out for my financial situation. This document is pure fiction and evidence of the willingness of HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA and PETERSEN DEAN to destroy lives as if people mean nothing at all. The ONLY thing PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA care about is if a home has any equity in it. That is ALL they care about. They want that equity and they simply do not care if they have to lie to homeowners, omit, conceal and withhold information to get that equity.
PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA are conducting bald-faced equity grabs and they don’t care if they cause countless senior citizens to die prematurely from the unbearable stress of having their home taken away from them late in life when it will cost more of their SSI checks to rent an apartment than it did to make their house payment, IF THE SENIOR CITIZEN VICTIMS OF THIS SCAM ON FIXED INCOME ARE FORTUNATE TO FIND AN APARTMENT THEY CAN AFFORD. IF victims of this tax credit scam are fortunate enough to find an apartment with rent as low as their house payment was, they most certainly will lose a heart breaking amount of their appliances and possessions that they cannot fit into the apartment. It will be an experience very similar to having lost your home in a fire or other natural disaster, only this disaster is a crime spree that is moving through California and other states under-regulated and unchecked, un-survivable for some of the elderly, like a natural disaster. Due to what appears to me to be blatant, “in your face” criminality by GEORGE MILIONIS of PETERSEN DEAN in his “above the law” flagrant misuse of MECHANICS LIENS without bothering to meet the requirements for the filing of such liens, I have asked CRU, Complaint Review Unit of the Office of the General Counsel of the STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA to review GEORGE MILIONIS separate from the lesser complaints against SAM KARIMZADEH and GARRET-MITCHEL P. MENDOZA. I have requested that GEORGE MILIONIS be investigated for criminal actions, fraudulent use of MECHANICS LIENS. I firmly believe that GEORGE MILIONIS and employees of HERO FINANCING committed criminal acts. I am prepared to file this accusation against GEORGE MILIONIS directly with the CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT because I believe the evidence is indisputable that the two MECHANICS LIENS are invalid and were wrongfully and deliberately filed with the intent to circumvent justice and get away with a property tax credit scam. I will testify to this under oath, under penalty of perjury whenever necessary.
CAP SPECIALTY INSURANCE for PETERSEN DEAN has taken the position that they will wait and see if PETERSEN DEAN gets away with it. CAP SPECIALTY indicated that they will only take action against PETERSEN DEAN if they are forced to. CAP SPECIALTY will not react to obvious criminal behavior unless PETERSEN DEAN gets caught. The message was loud and clear, CAP SPECIALTY has no problem with criminal activity unless the criminal gets caught. Don’t get caught and you’re fine. Likewise, HERO’S “Senior Protection Program” was supposed to protect me but it turned out not to exist, it was just a photo on an ad on the HERO website and on twitter ads to seduce seniors into believing they would be safe from contractor crime if they went with HERO FINANCING. It was not even a real department. It was fictitious. A frustrated HERO employee got tired of making up excuses to tell me and blurted to me after I had asked for the “HERO Senior Protection Department” one too many times, “There is no “HERO Senior Protection Department”, it’s the same thing as “customer service” and they already said they aren’t allowed to talk to you anymore”.
HERO FINANCING did not contest the patently false information in this document titled: JENNIFER MARSHALL SOLAR SAVINGS WITH HERO FINANCING DECEMBER 17, 2016. They stand by it and so does PETERSEN DEAN and CAP SPECIALTY INSURANCE. This document if proof of fraud.
As previously stated, I was told that HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA destroyed a lot of documentation in 2017. I held on to documents and emails that I had for dear life because it became clear that PETERSEN DEAN, RENOVATE AMERICA/HERO FINANCING and CAP SPECIALTY intended to deny anything that was not documented in writing. While I cannot say which HERO and PETERSEN DEAN employees kept or shredded or deleted copies of this document, again, here is the list of employees who had access to their own copy and/or were emailed a copy by me:
DAMON SHERMAN (858)942-8857
KAREN LEON-BEHR (858)605-4115
ROY GUTHRIE (877)747-4889 16409 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127
ROSS SOLORBERO (858)605-3925
TONYA (858)942-8808
DAVE SHANHOLTZER, 714-309-0837
VICTOR (951)376-4090
GEORGE MILIONIS 510-371-6555
JASON SMITH (611)414-7023
KYLE SMITH 661-209-7818
ROSE MONTES (408)797-1092
SAMUEL LUQUIN, CA17-013771 DCBA LA COUNTY (626)293-1440
JESSIE FLORES, CSLB SF20169935 562-345-7671
TOM GOETZINGER CDI (800)927-4357
WALTER SMITH, LADWP 213-367-6191
As stated, this agreement in no way matched the two computer-generated documents that were SUPPOSED to be the written form of this agreement. This was never corrected. I was given the above mentioned “CHART” in lieu of a corrected contract that reflected the true package I agreed to accept. Before the day was over I sounded the alarm to anyone who would listen. I fully expected this to be corrected.
There were extensive phone conversations between me and HELENA SHI about when PETERSEN DEAN would be arriving at the property to remove the solar panels. There were emails referencing the verbal agreement to remove the solar panels. Abruptly HELENA SHI informed me she was no longer allowed to speak to me and no one gave me any reason for or explanation of the sudden change of plans. MECHANICS LIENS were filed upon my property the week the solar panels were supposed to be removed. I was not served copies of the MECHANICS LIENS. I found out about the existence of the MECHANICS LIENS from an attorney I consulted because both PETERSEN DEAN and HERO had stopped communicating with me and I wanted to sue HERO as well as PETERSEN DEAN. I had to purchase copies of the liens. I also had to purchase copies of the SUMMONS and COMPLAINT because PETERSEN DEAN did not serve me and when they did provide an emailed copy the day my answer to the complaint was due, I found out from THE PUBLIC LAW CENTER that it was not really a copy of the complaint. I had to send PUBLIC LAW CENTER a copy of the copy I purchased from the court.
While I cannot say which HERO and PETERSEN DEAN employees will risk their jobs and tell the truth or lie under oath to protect their employment with PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA, I can say that not one PETERSEN DEAN OR HERO EMPLOYEE was honest with me about the computer-generated contracts not matching the verbal deal of “free roof if you go solar” offer I accepted being a serious problem. Every PETERSEN DEAN employee and every HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA employee urged me to believe there was nothing to worry about, that I was getting the deal that I initially accepted verbally, that I was saving money by going solar with HERO/PETERSEN DEAN. I was expected to believe that I was getting the “free roof if you go solar” package even though there was no mention of that in writing anywhere. The only honesty about the situation came in the form of a written letter from an anonymous PETERSEN DEAN whistleblower employee who seemed very afraid of being hurt by PETERSEN DEAN. That letter is filed with the court. Here is the list of PETERSEN DEAN EMPLOYEES, HERO EMPLOYEES and OTHERS that I expressed my concern to about the agreement never being properly put in writing and told how I was worried that I was not getting the deal I was verbally promised I was getting:
DAMON SHERMAN (858)942-8857
KAREN LEON-BEHR (858)605-4115
ROY GUTHRIE (877)747-4889 16409 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127
ROSS SOLORBERO (858)605-3925
TONYA (858)942-8808
DAVE SHANHOLTZER, 714-309-0837
VICTOR (951)376-4090
GEORGE MILIONIS 510-371-6555
JASON SMITH (611)414-7023
KYLE SMITH 661-209-7818
ROSE MONTES (408)797-1092
SAMUEL LUQUIN, CA17-013771 DCBA LA COUNTY (626)293-1440
JESSIE FLORES, CSLB SF20169935 562-345-7671
TOM GOETZINGER CDI (800)927-4357
WALTER SMITH, LADWP 213-367-6191
NUMBER 50.1 (c) Emails between JENNIFER MARSHALL and PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA employees dated from November 2016 until mid January 2017.
PLAINTIFF is in possession of all the email communications between DEFENDANT and PLANTIFF. Copies of emails were filed with the court in case BC661819. Copies of the emails were shared with individuals in the OTHER section below. I have no way of knowing if the PETERSEN DEAN and HERO EMPLOYEES listed below kept their copies or deleted their copies of the emails that reference and document agreements such as the agreement to remove the solar panels:
DAMON SHERMAN (858)942-8857
KAREN LEON-BEHR (858)605-4115
ROY GUTHRIE (877)747-4889 16409 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127
ROSS SOLORBERO (858)605-3925
TONYA (858)942-8808
DAVE SHANHOLTZER, 714-309-0837
VICTOR (951)376-4090
GEORGE MILIONIS 510-371-6555
JASON SMITH (611)414-7023
KYLE SMITH 661-209-7818
ROSE MONTES (408)797-1092
SAMUEL LUQUIN, CA17-013771 DCBA LA COUNTY (626)293-1440
JESSIE FLORES, CSLB SF20169935 562-345-7671
TOM GOETZINGER CDI (800)927-4357
WALTER SMITH, LADWP 213-367-6191
PLAINTIFF has a copy of this agreement signed by me. I was told that it could not be avoided, that there was additional wood that needed replacing and so I agreed to have it replaced. What is horrible about this is that the STATE CONTRACTOR’S LICENSING BOARD inspector found that in spite of my being charged extra, there was still rotten wood that had not been replaced. I had confronted PETERSEN DEAN about rotten wood that could be seen with the naked eye from the ground. I was told that this was not “rotten wood” that it was “thirsty wood”. Additionally, the incorrect sized pieces of wood that replaced SOME of the rotten wood caused the side of the roof to be C-shaped instead of a straight line. I sent pictures of this to HERO and PETERSEN DEAN. Nothing was going to be done about it otherwise. PETERSEN DEAN wanted me to tell my neighbors about them and at first I did but my neighbors could see the side of my roof was C-shaped instead of a straight line and they could see things going wrong over and over. My neighbors were appalled by the sight of me and my autistic son struggling alone trying to clean the stucco powder off our laundry, wearing masks as we tried to salvage electronic equipment and employees of the MARRIOTT where we stayed saw us both come down with serious lung infections over and over during that time period. THE MARRIOTT employees said for me not to fax documents to the CLSB from our house anymore since it was making us so sick that we had to go to the emergency room and they faxed hundreds of pages for us from their office instead. We were too sick to keep food down on Thanksgiving Day 2016 because of what PETERSEN DEAN did to us. My son and I both had occasions where we stopped breathing and fainted, James more times than me. This had never happened to me before. I was terrified that my son was going to be alone in a hotel room with a deceased mom.
It is ironic that PETERSEN DEAN drew up a document about needing more money than originally agreed upon to replace rotten wood and then STILL left rotten wood that was discovered and documented by the CSLB roof inspector. They refused to draw up a document that was clear and understandable about the “free roof if you go solar” agreement. PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA kept urging me to believe nothing was wrong, that I was getting that offer that wasn’t reflected anywhere in writing. DAVE SHANHOLTZER was in charge of getting me to sign to pay more for additional wood. I was also asked to sign for an inspection that never happened and I protested that my carbon monoxide detectors had not been inspected because I don’t have any and that some of my fire alarms had stopped working. The truth was not wanted. I was told it didn’t really matter. If it didn’t really matter, why was my signature needed? DAVE SHANHOLTZER also urged me on several different occasions, with a “wink-wink, nod-nod” attitude, to lie to the IRS, to lump the solar and the roof together as if it was all the solar expense and get a bigger tax credit. I was dumbfounded that he assumed that it was alright to tell me this. The series of events presented a pattern which I can only describe as a criminal mindset. PETERSEN DEAN AND HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA behaved like criminals and seemed so steeped in crime that they had the warped idea that everyone was as into crime as they were.
I was astounded and deeply upset by the dishonesty. DAVE SHANHOLTZER’S phone number is (714)309-0837 A jury will be presented with all the documents and asked the question, “What homeowner in their right mind would wake up one day and knowingly decide they wanted to pay three times more for electricity than they currently did?” PETERSEN DEAN and HERO FINANING both knew I was not in the tax bracket to be a candidate for property tax financing.
I do not recall any modification actually being made that was not in writing other what the CSLB roof inspector found. It is probably legally called a modification of the agreement to leave rotten wood under brand new shingles, but that is not something I agreed to or even knew about for sure until the inspector found it. PETERSEN DEAN was fined and issued a five-year CITATION for this and seems to believe that paying a fine means they are excused from having to complete the work properly. The CSLB fine is separate from that and does not replace or in any way excuse completing the work properly and also does not excuse the financial fraud, the tax credit scam and the need to go forward with the removal of the solar panels and repair all damages made to the property. The financial fraud and improper use of MECHANICS LIENS has to be addressed in the trial by jury as it is not a function of the CLSB to resolve these matters.
PLAINTIFF had copies of the emails PLAINTIFF sent to me in regards to removing the solar panels. I have no way of knowing if PLAINTIFF kept or deleted those emails. I have filed copies in court in CASE BC661819. MATTHEW MONNING wrote emails on this subject and HELENA SHI was my contact for making the arrangements to remove the solar panels and scheduling the removal of the solar panels. The solar panels were to be removed after I informed MATTHEW MONNING and HERO’s DAMON SHERMAN that H&R BLOCK reviewed their document titled: “JENNIFER MARSHALL – SOLAR SAVINGS WITH HERO FINANCING. December 17, 2016.”  and H&R Block found this document to be evidence of a tax credit scam. The document given to me in lieu of a corrected contract which was titled: “JENNIFER MARSHALL – SOLAR SAVINGS WITH HERO FINANCING. December 17, 2016”.
Here is the list of PETERSEN DEAN and HERO employees and OTHERS who had access to their own copies and/or were emailed copies of this document by me:
DAMON SHERMAN (858)942-8857
KAREN LEON-BEHR (858)605-4115
ROY GUTHRIE (877)747-4889 16409 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127
ROSS SOLORBERO (858)605-3925
TONYA (858)942-8808
DAVE SHANHOLTZER, 714-309-0837
VICTOR (951)376-4090
GEORGE MILIONIS 510-371-6555
JASON SMITH (611)414-7023
KYLE SMITH 661-209-7818
ROSE MONTES (408)797-1092
SAMUEL LUQUIN, CA17-013771 DCBA LA COUNTY (626)293-1440
JESSIE FLORES, CSLB SF20169935 562-345-7671
TOM GOETZINGER CDI (800)927-4357
WALTER SMITH, LADWP 213-367-6191

Was there a breach of any agreement alleged in the pleadings? If so, for each breach describe and give the date of every act or omission that you claim is the breach of the agreement.
Yes. FIRST BREACH OF AGREEMENT: Petersen Dean salesman DAVE SHANHOLTZER and I verbally agreed I would accept the “free roof if you go solar” deal. I expected that deal to materialize in writing but it never did. I immediately protested that the electronically generated contract that I briefly saw only flashing, fast moving snippets of on a jumpy screen did not appear to match our verbal agreement. I was unable to read the text but I was able to see it was TWO contracts. I kept asking DAVE SHANHOLTZER and HELENA SHI why there were TWO contracts. I called HELENA SHI, SOLAR PROJECT COORDINATOR of PETERSEN DEAN many times and immediately expressed my concern to her. HELENA SHI reassured me that I was getting the deal I thought I was getting. DAVE SHANHOLTZER repeatedly assured me that it didn’t matter if the computer-generated contracts, there were two of them, matched the verbal agreement, that I was still getting what we agreed upon verbally. The whole project would end up costing $20,000.00, not the $30,000.00 the on screen contracts seemed to be indicating.  I was repeatedly told the computer-generated document that did not reflect the verbal offer would result in the same savings. I was told this, many times, by DAVE SHANHOLTZER of PETERSEN DEAN and HELENA SHI of PETEREN DEAN: (510)946-2338, 39300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 300, Freemont, CA 94538.
SECOND BREACH OF AGREEMENT: Breach of HERO FINANCING terms by PETERSEN DEAN via attorney GEORGE MILIONIS via CERTIFIED LETTER dated December 7, 2016 threatening to circumvent and breach the HERO FINANCING terms if I did not sign off before the work was completed as agreed. Emails from DAMON SHERMAN of HERO said not to worry about the threatening letter from GEORGE MILIONIS. Phone calls from HERO and PETERSEN DEAN employees also said not to take the letter seriously, that MR. MILIONIS was not really going to circumvent the HERO PROGRAM rules. I received an email from JACKIE CARREON of HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA warning me in plain English: “DO NOT SIGN OFF ON ANY COMPLETION CERTIFICATES IF THEY ARE PRESENTED TO YOU UNTIL THE PROJECT IS ACTUALLY COMPLETED .” HERO and GEORGE MILIONIS were not on the same page, then suddenly HERO stopped protecting me without explanation. All parties to this action, including HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA have copies of these documents and emails. The CSLB, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, CFPB, DCBA LA COUNTY are government agencies that have copies of these documents and emails.
THIRD BREACH OF CONTRACT: HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA breached their agreement to stop any of their contractors from going rogue and hurting us. HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA specifically promised that they would protect us from contractor abuse if we financed our project through them. They claimed they had a senior protection department as well. At first HERO FINANCING did give the appearance that they would protect us from GEORGE MILIONIS’S threats and demands that we break HERO protocol. HERO sent me an email telling me not to sign off and another email assuring me GEORGE MILIONIS’S threats were not to be taken seriously. Then HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA breached all their agreements with me and refused to speak to me anymore and would not tell me why they were abandoning their own policies and allowing GEORGE MILIONIS to continue threatening us.
Was performance of any agreement alleged in the pleadings excused? If so, identify each agreement excused and state why performance was excused.
No. Absolutely not. No performance of any agreement alleged in the pleadings was excused. The CSLB Citation that will remain on PETERSEN DEAN’S bond/license for five years does not grant any excuse for unfinished work, damages and financial fraud. The CSLB fine paid by PETERSEN DEAN also does not absolve PETERSEN DEAN from having to make repairs, restitution, remediation such as removal of rotten wood. The CSLB did not put in writing that because of the FIVE-YEAR CITATION attached to PETERSEN DEAN’S bond, PETERSEN DEAN was hereby absolved from having to remove the rotten wood mentioned in the citation.
PETERSEN DEAN lied about making the arrangements to remove the solar panels and filed two MECHANICS LIENS that week instead. None of the agreed upon repairs were made. I was left with the task of having to pay for all the repairs and I could not afford to. The solar panels were never turned on because they were to be removed according to agreement. PETERSEN DEAN abandoned the job and all the agreements.
Was any agreement alleged in the pleadings terminated by mutual agreement, release, accord and satisfaction, or novation? If so, identify each agreement terminated, the date of termination, and the basis of the termination.
No. There was absolutely no mutual agreement to terminate any agreement. There was extraordinary and cruel pressure placed upon me and my autistic son to attempt to FORCE me to sign releases and to falsely claim satisfaction BEFORE the job was done. I went to the San Pedro Police Department to ask what I should do about PETERSEN DEAN’S many attempts to force me to sign off prematurely. PETERSEN DEAN made it clear they would not finish the job unless I signed off in advance and said I was satisfied BEFORE I could see the final work.
H&R BLOCK examined the PETERSEN DEAN figures and declared the deal was a tax credit scam and as a response to being confronted with that information, PETERSEN DEAN and HERO agreed the solution was to remove the solar panels. PETERSEN DEAN claimed to be making the necessary arrangements to remove the solar panels but that agreement was not only broken by PETERSEN DEAN, but PETERSEN DEAN also took extra steps to give the APPEARANCE that they really were making necessary arrangements to remove the solar panels when they were actually filing MECHANICS LIENS.
This was verified by BUILDING AND SAFETY who confirmed to me at the time that PETERSEN DEAN was not really requesting a Solar Permit Refund from them.
BUILDING AND SAFETY relayed to me that this was an important, necessary step for the title of the property to be correct. BUILDING AND SAFETY urged me to call PETERSEN DEAN about this solar permit refund immediately. BUILDING AND SAFETY stressed to me that this was important for me to do.
I rightfully assumed that what PETERSEN DEAN meant by “preparing” to remove the solar panels involved BUILDING AND SAFETY. THE SOLAR PERMIT REFUND is a very important step in the removal process.
I relayed this information to HELENA SHI of PETERSEN DEAN several times that week in January 2017. This is information that any solar company already knows. At first PETERSEN DEAN tried to give me the impression that PETERSEN DEAN was being “magnanimous” by not caring about the SOLAR PERMIT REFUND. I was expected to believe that PETERSEN DEAN was giving up the solar permit refund as an act of generosity towards me. I explained to HELENA SHI what BUILDING AND SAFETY told me to relay to PETERSEN DEAN, that this “generosity” would buy me nothing but trouble and that it was IMPORTANT to apply for the SOLAR PERMIT REFUND, according to BUILDING AND SAFETY, to keep the title of the home correct, otherwise there could be difficult selling the home, refinancing or getting a home equity loan such as the one I planned to get for my son JAMES MARSHALL’S urgently needed dental surgeries.
PETERSEN DEAN deliberately not doing the proper SOLAR PERMIT REFUND paperwork could block us from being able to access our equity to help JAMES get his surgeries. Deliberately refusing to apply for a SOLAR PERMIT REFUND was not a magnanimous gesture worthy of praise as PETERSEN DEAN tried to frame it that week in January 2017, it was an act of cruelty that would cause any homeowner a lot of trouble. HELENA SHI sounded like she was very uncomfortable with what she was being obviously being told to say by someone else, she had no answer to what BUILDING AND SAFETY said to tell her and excused herself to consult with someone and when she returned to the call, she got choked up and told me she was not allowed to talk to me anymore.
It became apparent that PETERSEN DEAN was only pretending to prepare to remove the solar panels while it was making other nefarious arrangements to breach the agreement to remove solar panels.
Prior to this week in January 2017 I was literally hounded by PETERSEN DEAN to sign off with HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA prematurely and to sign other mysterious contracts that I was NEVER given a copy of to examine in advance, where my signature would be exchanged for cash that would pay for SOME of the remediation and repairs but not all. I was negotiating with men from PETERSEN DEAN and they were asking me to take a loss. I was not able to find a licensed remediation company that would take a loss, a partial payment. I was not able to understand what I was being asked to sign because I was never given a copy of any of the contracts to read and show to H&R BLOCK. I was not allowed to review any of the proposed contracts. I was never given copies of any of those contracts I was asked to sign sight unseen.
Is any agreement alleged in the pleadings unenforceable? If so, identify each unenforceable agreement and state why it is unenforceable.
Payment to PETERSEN DEAN became unenforceable when GEORGE MILIONIS removed PETERSEN DEAN, without explanation, from the HERO FINANCING arrangement that all parties had agreed was to be the method of payment. GEORGE MILIONIS and PETERSEN DEAN refused to comply with HERO FINANCING rules and made NEW RULES where I must SIGN OFF before PETERSEN DEAN would finish the work, not AFTERWARDS according to HERO policy. For all intents and purposes, it appears that it is now impossible for PETERSEN DEAN to be paid by HERO FINANCING / RENOVATE AMERICA as agreed by contract because PETERSEN DEAN decided to circumvent and sabotage the HERO FINANCING in order to try to seize our home by methods other than the original property tax credit scam, i.e., via MECHANICS LIENS if they could get away with it.
GEORGE MILIONIS was at all times aware that he was not meeting the requirements for filing a MECHANICS LIEN but he was determined to see if it would work, it he could get away with it. He knew the solar panels were not turned on. He knew the job was not finished in many respects. He knew that if challenged, the MECHANICS LIENS would be declared invalid and unenforceable. As stated, DAMON SHERMAN of HERO/ RENOVATE AMERICA assured me that GEORGE MILIONIS was not really going to do this crazy thing, but when he did, DAMON SHERMAN and all my contacts at HERO FINANCING suddenly refused to talk to me about my financing with them. I have complained to the STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA about GEORGE MILIONIS’S verifiable and deliberate misuse of MECHANICS LIENS and will bring the matter before the CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT if the INVALID LIENS are not immediately removed. There is NOTHING for to negotiate regarding INVALID MECHANICS LIENS. The longer an INVALID MECHANICS LIEN remains unremoved, the more liable for damages caused by the delay in removal of the invalid liens PLAINTIFF is. PLAINTIFF received the CERTIFIED LETTER DEMANDING REMOVAL OF THE TWO INVALID MECHANICS LIENS (as per instruction by the CSLB pamphlet which also clearly shows PETERSEN DEAN did not meet the legal requirements for filing a MECHANICS LIEN), in April 2017.
In order to file BC661819 as an UNLIMITED CASE in court instead of small claims court, GEORGE MILIONIS had to completely dispense with the “free roof if you go solar deal” (as per the PETERSEN DEAN commercials which I recorded) that I had been repeatedly told by HELENA SHI and DAVE SHANHOLTZER that I definitely was getting and which would have been $20,000 and not qualified to be filed as an UNLIMITED CASE.
In order to give the MECHANICS LIENS the superficial appearance of legitimacy that the MECHANICS LIENS might slip through the courts unnoticed, GEORGE MILIONIS had to cut ties with HERO FINANCING and HERO had to be in on this, HERO had to agree at a certain point not to interfere with GEORGE MILIONIS’S new plan in spite of their promise to me via their senior protection department that they would look after me, their customer.
HERO had to agree to abandon their financing contract with me in order to help GEORGE MILIONIS give to the courts the appearance that there never had been any HERO FINANCING, to drastically and wrongfully narrow the case and also give the courts the impression that I had somehow qualified for a $34,000.00 loan with some mysterious, unnamed financing company PETERSEN DEAN used but refused to name or that PETESEN DEAN just outright did $34,000.00 worth of work on a home without running a credit report, without any paperwork, without any official financing arrangement. OF NOTE: HERO had to give the appearance that it was not financing this project, not working with PETERSEN DEAN on this project but in order for HERO to still list PETERSEN DEAN as their vetted contractor and still encouraged new customers to trust PETERSEN DEAN while they withdrew without explanation and went into hiding, waiting to see if PETERSEN DEAN got away with the unenforceable MECHANICS LIENS caper in case BC661819, HERO had to just vanish without comment and that is what they did. HERO refused to take my calls, DAMON SHERMAN, my HERO contact, blocked my email account. My financing, without explanation, without saying “goodbye”, took a hike.
To the point, yes, it APPEARS the HERO FINANCING that was to be the method by which PETERSEN DEAN was paid has been rendered unenforceable by some secret and mutual agreement between PETERSEN DEAN and HERO. Both parties refused to talk to me about it. GEORGE MILIOINIS actually called me up on the phone and told me HERO FINANCING no longer had anything to do with this, that it was between me and him from now on. He did not offer any explanation as to how this metamorphosis came about or how he convinced HERO to stand down. HERO refused to talk to me anymore. HELENA SHI simply told me she was “NOT ALLOWED” to discuss my project with me anymore. Suddenly all HERO employees were also “NOT ALLOWED” to discuss my financing with me anymore.
Frankly, a reasonable person would have no choice except to believe PETERSEN DEAN deliberately sabotaged their own financial arrangement to escape liability in an exposed (by H&R BLOCK) and therefore aborted property tax financing scam and pave the way to file valid seeming MECHANICS LIENS if the truth remained concealed long enough to pull it off.  
HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA did not take any steps to stop the illegal actions of their contractor even though they promised me they would. HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA and CAP SPECIALTY INSURANCE decided to “wait and see”, to go along with “plan B” or “Scam B” because GEORGE MILIONIS was confident he could pull it off.
The two MECHANICS LIENS filed by GEORGE MILIONIS for PETERSEN DEAN on an uncompleted job are not valid, will not pass scrutiny in the APRIL 2019 trial by jury and therefore ultimately are unenforceable. At all times GEORGE MILIONIS knew the MECHANICS LIENS were invalid but felt he could succeed if he managed to avoid scrutiny, thus the never-ending barrage to avoid a trial by jury. The attempt to enforce them without proper scrutiny is criminal and amounts to fraud.
All “secret agreements” are unacceptable and unenforceable. I hereby, categorically refuse to enter into any and all “secret agreements” and “confidential settlements”. At no time did I ever or will I ever agree to a “secret agreement” or “confidential settlement”.  
PLAINTIFF’S desperation to avoid the trial by jury is an attempt to circumvent this scrutiny. The PLAINTIFF has engaged in nonstop attempts to frighten me and coerce me into private settlement conferences. When I repeatedly say “no” to these private settlement conferences, when even the judge explained to SAM KARIMZADEH in court on August 2, 2018 that he, the judge, can understand that I want a trial by jury because I adamantly deny and disagree with PLAINTIFF’S Complaint, that he, the judge, does not find me hard to understand, it crosses all lines of reason, decency and professionalism that to this day PLAINTIFF is STILL trying to scare me into a settlement conference.
“NO” does not mean “NO” to PLAINTIFF. A judge’s clear explanation does not deter PLAINTIFF from ignoring every word the judge said on August 2, 2018. A judge coming right out and asking PLAINTIFF, “What are you doing?” does not register with or deter PLAINTIFF. After a judge explained to SAM KARIMZADEH on August 2, 2018 that I did not want to accept the invitation to a settlement conference, that I clearly wanted a trial by jury, on August 9, 2018, SAM KARIMZADEH sent EXHIBIT A, an invitation ignoring every “No” I said for months and ignoring what the judge said to SAM KARIMZADEH on August 2, 2018.
This situation illustrates and is a perfect example of why I will only communicate with PLAINTIFF in writing. The most recent letter from PLAINTIFF, sent to me AFTER the judge explained my position to PLAINTIFF, seems to be telling me in writing that I’m not supposed to tell the judge that PLAINTIFF is STILL pressuring me to have the settlement conference the judge explained to PLAINTIFF that I was refusing and had the right to refuse.
I am filing a cross complaint to bring HERO FINANCING and CAP SPECIALTY INSURANCE into this case so the jury can scrutinize the whole chain of events, not just the cherry-picked snippets GEORGE MILIONIS has selected like a master chef to feed the court.
I hereby announce what no DEFENDANT should HAVE to announce, it should go without saying, but obviously in this case it needs to be clearly stated to SAM KARIMZADEH and PLAINTIFF:
“CEASE AND DESIST: Do not mail, email, fax or in any way send me any correspondence that I may not share with the judge and jury. Absolutely ANY AND ALL communications PLAINTIFF has with me will be shared with the judge and jury. There will be no SECRET AGREEMENTS. Enough is enough.”
My son and I need our lives back, our real lives, not a “we will stop hurting you and your son if you let us get away with this crime” agreement. Life became a little less terrifying when I put my foot down and refused to communicate with PLAINTIFF in any way other than:
verbally ONLY in the court room
and in writing, via email for MEET AND CONFER and all other communications with PLAINTIFF.
I cannot allow PLAINTIFF to decimate my autistic son emotionally as they were doing with the verbal threats in 2016. I have to take these steps to protect us. I will soon be represented by counsel and I will speak verbally when counsel is by my side and I am instructed to speak by my counsel. Until then PLAINTIFF will only hear my voice in the safety and sanctity of the court room.
Is any agreement alleged in the pleadings ambiguous? If so, identify each ambiguous agreement and state why it is ambiguous.

Yes. All verbal agreements with PETERSEN DEAN were extremely ambiguous and often changed without warning or explanation or disappeared completely without explanation as if they had never been made. The sheer number of ambiguous verbal agreements with references to equally ambiguous, mysterious, never materializing written agreements, verbally suggested to me by PETERSEN DEAN from November 2016 to January 2017 quickly became a veritable rat’s nest of ambiguities that would exhaust anyone. There was no way to know what was in the written agreements I was never allowed to see. I was to sign them on the spot. I reported this to the police because it was so obviously outrageous and the police told me NOT to meet PETERSEN DEAN at the construction site, not to meet them alone, to have an attorney examine the documents. I was never given copies of the agreements I was asked to sign. I was never given a CORRECTED copy of the computer-generated contract that did not at all match the verbal contract. I had nothing to show an attorney. The discussion I had at the police station gave me the backing I needed to stand my ground and just not do anything that sounded strange, wrong, frightening and suspicious. I told PETERSEN DEAN they needed to put it IN WRITING and mail or email me the agreements they wanted me to sign. They refused. The ambiguous verbal agreements were increasingly peppered with terrifying, sick threats, which PETERSEN DEAN will deny and which is why I had to put an end to it by insisting that all communications be by email. The unrelenting efforts strange men I never met made to get me to meet them at the work site alone was in and of itself a huge red flag. This was in no way normal. It became unbearable for me and my autistic son JAMES MARSHALL to listen to the threats. It literally knocked the wind out of us, made us heavy with depression for days on end after each horrific phone call and made us drag about like zombies for days after each miserable phone call from PETERSEN DEAN. We cried. We fell silent for days on end, unable to speak, clinging to each other, terrified. My son especially could not sleep unless he could see me each time he opened his eyes. If I got up from the chair by his bed to go to the bathroom while he was asleep and he opened his eyes, he would scream very loudly even though I was just a few feet away in the bathroom. When I demanded PETERSEN DEAN employees stop making these calls, they denied that any pain they were inflicting was intentional, they put salt in the wound by saying it was imaginary, it never happened, that had only been bending over backwards trying to help us because they CARED about us. I pointed out that we felt horrible after their long phone calls to us. I pointed out that a COSTCO employee who overheard one of the calls told me to “HANG UP” on whoever it was. It was sick. It was sickening. It wasn’t accidental. We were being worked on and I had to find a way to survive. My solution was, “everything in writing”. No more of these “deniable” calls.
At all times the agreement PETERSEN DEAN wanted me to sign remained mysterious and ambiguous. The many verbal agreements suggested to me by PETERSEN DEAN were in fact shamelessly ambiguous. On multiple occasions men from PETERSEN DEAN would verbally describe written contracts they wanted me to sign in exchange for a fraction of the money it would cost me to repair and hire someone to do their unfinished work, repair their damages to my house and remediate the stucco powder in our air vents and on all our possessions.
PETERSEN DEAN did not justify why they offering me less money than the estimates contractors gave them to make the repairs and remediation. They did not refer me to contractors who would make the repairs and finish the work the reduced amount of money they were offering me, approximately $2,000.00 to sign off that the job “was” done when it obviously, according to the CLSB citations, “was not” done.
PETERSEN DEAN did not stop trying to scare us and peppered each request to sign unseen agreements with suggestions of how unimaginably terrible our lives would become if they had to turn us over to GEORGE MILIONIS. They underestimated how terrible they had already made our lives. They obviously mistook my shock to mean I wasn’t horrified enough yet. They heaped on more warnings and portrayed GEORGE MILIONIS as an unstoppable machine who would destroy us, as if this alone was reason enough for us to accept a loss, accept payment for only part of the unfinished work and completely give up any idea of fighting the tax credit scam because we would not survive. It was clear to me that I was being threatened to not expose the tax credit scam. That after the descriptions from so many PETERSEN DEAN men I had never met and who kept calling and calling me, it is no surprise that I was always on the lookout for anyone who matched the photo of GEORGE MILIONIS, always afraid that he might really live up to what I had been told about him. It was like being in a third-rate gangster movie. I feared we might be ambushed and physically harmed by strange men. I was asked by PETERSEN DEAN men to leave our hotel room at the Marriott to meet strange men at the dark, dirty, unsafe job site where there would be two men and one of these men would hold a contract in one hand and $2000.00 in the other hand and after I signed, he would let go of the $2000.00. They did not tell me what the second man would be doing. To this day I do not comprehend why the men from PETERSEN DEAN thought I would feel safer if there were TWO of them???? Was one of the men supposed to hold James while the other worked on me????? Why did they think they could convince me if they could only see me face to face alone? How could it be possible to “convince” a person that a tax scam was not a tax scam? The tone of voice of the man making this offer to me was unnerving. It was not normal. I told this to the police. This exhausting, painful ordeal stopped when I insisted all offers be made in writing. Attorney Sam Karimzadeh seemed upset that I wanted all our MEET AND CONFER sessions to be in writing, via email.
I am aware, via an ugly email sent to me that some suggest was not “accidentally” sent, as was later claimed by PLAINTIFF, that I am being called names for standing up for myself and my son. I am not called “brave” for standing up for our rights, I am call, “belligerent” and other names. Clearly, I was supposed to die of fear instead of asking the police for guidance as to what I should do in this situation. Clearly, I am noncompliant at being a cooperating victim. I refuse to take a secret settlement even if it is a million dollars because I refuse to be part of this. I refuse to have blood on my hands when future senior citizens have their lives ripped away from them by HERO and PETERSEN DEAN. I will not help conceal the truth so that these criminals can keep on scamming senior citizens.
I am confident that a jury will understand full well why I would protect myself and my autistic son JAMES MARSHALL from exposing ourselves to what amounts to merciless torture, a meat-grinder.
The computer-generated contracts by PETERSEN DEAN in no way reflect the content of the verbal contract that preceded and it is well established that I could not legally qualify for the agreement PETERSEN DEAN swears in court I agreed to.
The wording of the computer-generated contract is vastly different. The content is vastly different. PETERSEN DEAN brokered the HERO financial agreement for their partner HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA and I have since learned that PETERSEN DEAN does not have a license to broker such financing.
The computer generated and computer signed contracts had absolutely nothing to do with the HERO / RENOVATE AMERICA agreement being brokered by PETERSEN DEAN.
Again, the ambiguity is off the rails. It is reminiscent of mobsters, a term Sam Karimzadeh has complained about me using but is the only way to describe people who have second sets of books, second sets of financial documents to meet any occasion, such as a sudden switch from HERO property tax financing to another unnamed financing company.
PETERSEN DEAN appeared to have and endless supply of ever changing agreements to throw at us like darts. It is worth remembering that if I agreed to a $34,000.00 debt that I could not afford, could not legally quality for with any other contractor, could not keep my home if I agree to, it would be financial suicide and what motive would I have to do that to myself and my son? Again, who wakes up one morning and decides they would like to pay three times more for their electricity than they do currently? What would be the motive for a senior citizen to destroy their life that way? Just so they could say, “I went solar even thought it meant I had to go homeless because I wanted to sacrifice my life and the life of my disabled child for “the cause”…..of making richer these people:  PETERSEN DEAN, HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA and LA COUNTY or ORANGE COUNTY or whatever county would foreclose on the home a year after the property tax scam blew up in the face of the homeowner?” What senior citizen would willingly sacrifice the last years of their life for such an evil and unworthy cause?
The computer-generated contract is also ambiguous because there is no justification for it, no foundation to support how it came into being. PETERSEN DEAN did not run a credit check to qualify me for this large debt. People don’t get financing for a $500.00 TV without a credit application and verification. Again, no other contractor would have been able to qualify me for a $34,000.00 home improvement project in 2016 when my score was approx. 420 and my debt ratio was too high to qualify. It is ambiguous and wildly inexplicable that this computer-generated contract came out of no where like a UFO and that PETERSEN DEAN believes a jury will believe anyone in my situation could ever agree to it or would even be allowed by law to agree to it.
It is my firm belief that this is why PETERSEN DEAN keeps trying to scare me out of having a trial by jury. They know a jury won’t believe it. SAM KARIMZADEH tells me it will be a lot of hard work. Losing your home and living on the streets with an autistic person in bad health is even harder. I will suffer the paperwork that PETERSEN DEAN intends to bury me alive in and I will let a jury decide what is going on here.
At all times when I demanded a corrected hard copy that reflected our real agreement and that I could read before signing, I was only barraged with more ambiguous verbal reassurances that I was getting the verbal deal even though it didn’t look like I was, until finally I was given that notorious “chart” titled: “JENNIFER MARSHALL – SOLAR SAVINGS WITH HERO FINANCING. December 17, 2016.”  by MATTHEW MONNING in lieu of a contract. H&R BLOCK reviewed the chart and declared not one penny of the savings in that chart applied to me, that it was a scam.
The computer-generated contracts with computer generated initials and computer-generated signatures that do not remotely match my signature, are completely different from the verbal agreement that I agreed to with PETERSEN DEAN salesman DAVE SHANHOLTZER. My immediate dissatisfaction and protests were noted by both DAVE SHANHOLTZER and HELENA SHI and other employees of PETERSEN DEAN and HERO FINANCING. I was repeatedly told not to worry, that I was really getting the “free roof if you go solar package” even if it did not appear that way on the glimpses I had of the computer-generated documents. PETERSEN DEAN did not ignore my alarm, they tried hard to explain it away, they explained it away with more ambiguous explanations on top of other ambiguous explanations. This is clearly one of many instances that prove the financial fraud was deliberate, not an error. An error would have been corrected, not buried in a rat’s nest of ambiguous explanations. There are many emails where PETERSEN DEAN obviously lies about the costs, the savings, and above all else the obvious lies about the property tax financing brackets. Both HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA and PETERSEN DEAN knew that a senior citizen on SSI and IHSS was not a candidate for property tax financing. This type of fraud is usually not discovered until a year after the SIGN OFF when it is too late for the homeowner to save their home because they signed off. I am forever beholding to H&R BLOCK for telling me the truth that both PETERSEN DEAN and HERO FINANCING were concealing from me. The sheer number emails with lies in writing about how much I would be saving when both PETERSEN DEAN and HERO/RENOVATE AMERICA knew full well that going solar with them would destroy me financially, that I would be paying three times more for electrical power for the rest of my life than I currently paid DWP ,well into my late 80’s, is an avalanche of proof that precludes any of this being called “accidental”. It is premediated, deliberate fraud. The violation of regulations required for the filing of MECHANICS LIENS is clearly a criminal attempt to bury the tax credit scam even if it means causing the premature death of me and my autistic son JAMES MARSHALL due to unsurvivable stress. That PETERSEN DEAN and HERO FINANCING/RENOVATE AMERICA target the disabled and senior citizens with this property tax financing scam, knowing none of them are in the appropriate tax bracket, that none of them are candidates for going solar via this program, is heinous. If I am to be called names for protesting this criminal activity, so be it.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated:  August 25, 2018                                 _______________________________
                                                                                    Jennifer Marshall

                                                                                                     Defendant in Pro Per

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