Monday, September 11, 2017


The Proof of Service document PETERSEN DEAN filed in the courts in a case study in PERJURY and as outrageous in dishonesty as a Paul Bunyan folklore tale. George Milionis might as well have said his process server rode in on Babe the Blue Ox to serve papers.

I spoke with George K. Milionis today. The number of lies he told was shocking.  Even more shocking is that each and every lie is extremely easy to expose because in spite of all the shredding that went on at PETERSEN DEAN and at the HERO PROGRAM / RENOVATE AMERICA, I kept my copies and forwarded those emails to the appropriate government agencies.

Mr. Milionis had the gall to tell me he did not know we were staying in a hotel. His insurance company CAPSPECIALITY was presented with copies of the CRS Emergency Housing statements that Petersen Dean caused us to waste trying to save our home from PETERSEN DEAN'S illegal attempt to take our home away from us, derailing the mold remediation that was going on.

PETERSEN DEAN employees stood in this room on several occasions and could clearly see it every time they came to the property because there were no curtains on the sliding glass door on the patio where they stored there materials, the patio they damaged and never repaired.

Even employees of PETERSEN DEAN will swear in court they witnessed the mold remediation in progress. We discussed the mold remediation to make sure they were not scheduled on the same days to avoid running into each other, avoid getting in each others way and avoid accidents. Many emails document that everyone at HERO and PETERSEN DEAN that worked with us knew about both the hotel time paid for by my home insurance for mold remediation and about the mold remediation itself. 

George Milionis denies all this, as if he can control all these people and make them all lie and stick to the story he has decided to present in court, as if his own insurance company, CAPSPECIALITY will lie for him when they have documents that prove he is not telling the truth. I do not think CAPSPECIALTY will lie for PETERSEN DEAN and shred my application to put a lien on PETERSEN DEAN'S BOND which contains information Mr. Milionis has decided to say he did not know about and to try to make disappear like he also tried to remove HERO FINANCING from his courtroom record. Today he told me PETERSEN DEAN HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HERO, the HERO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS DISPUTE, when many emails and copies of the original documents prove otherwise. Mr. Milionis wants HERO to disappear so his invalid MECHANICS LIENS will seem valid. HERO tried to accommodate Mr. Milionis's wishes and TRIED to withdraw and "disappear" in spite of a massive paper trail that they were unable to shred every copy of.  I sent my copies to the Department of Justice for safe keeping.

Petersen Dean emails from 2016 mention the mold remediation that George Milionis told me today, September 11, 2017, that PETERSEN DEAN did not know about. Many emails verify that PETERSEN DEAN knew we were staying in a hotel from day one in 2016 and that George Milionis lied today when he said that PETERSEN DEAN did not know we were staying in a hotel.

Each day that PETERSEN DEAN worked on my property, we drove from the hotel to unlock the side yard gate so they could access the back of the property where they kept their materials. PETERSEN DEAN often called me and I often called them while driving from the hotel to discuss traffic delays and arrival times. Today George Milionis tried to erase all that.

He also had his process service commit perjury on a court document by swearing we lived in the home during the time we have documentation we were living in emergency housing at the MARRIOTT. The process server seemed to think repeating the lie frequently made it more believable but in fact the opposite happened. If he had lied ONCE, one could think he accidentally said, "KNOCKED ON THE DOOR" when he meant "RANG THE GATE BELL", but repeating the lie so many times meant he clearly believed people would believe he "KNOCKED ON A DOOR". a door that anyone who had been to the property even once would discover CANNOT be reached to knock upon unless your arms span the length of two long cars.

George K Milionis is the worst liar on earth.  His lies are sloppy, as if he believes he will never be challenged. We have emails, witnesses and photos that prove he is an awful, chronic liar.

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